Arthur “Jack” Schubarth, an 80-year-old rancher from Vaughn, Montana, has pleaded guilty to charges of wildlife trafficking and conspiracy in connection with his scheme to breed “giant” sheep hybrids. The breeding program involved the use of tissue and testicles from wild sheep, including the endangered Marco Polo argali sheep from central Asia and other species from the United States. Schubarth’s illegal operation was aimed at producing hybrids for sale to private hunting preserves in Texas, where they would be sought after as high-priced trophy game animals.

Schubarth’s ranch, licensed for alternative livestock, utilized advanced cloning techniques to create a purebred Marco Polo argali sheep named “Montana Mountain King.” This sheep served as the foundation for further cross-breeding with species like the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep to produce highly valued hybrids.

The rancher’s actions were identified as a violation of the Lacey Act, a set of laws designed to combat wildlife trafficking. Assistant U.S. Attorney General Todd Kim condemned Schubarth’s scheme as an audacious example of such violations. Despite the fact that breeding practices of this nature were banned in Montana in 2000, Schubarth’s ranch was grandfathered in due to its status.

As part of his plea agreement, Schubarth is required to cooperate with the government’s ongoing investigation into wildlife trafficking. The treatment and quarantine of the animals involved in Schubarth’s operation are being overseen by authorities. The purebred sheep, “Montana Mountain King,” is currently in the custody of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, awaiting further legal proceedings.

Schubarth’s sentencing is scheduled for July 11. His plea deal not only necessitates his cooperation with the investigation but also mandates strict adherence to conditions regarding the care and management of the hybrid sheep created through his illegal activities.