In a devastating turn of events in Bradford city centre, 27-year-old Kulsama Akter was fatally stabbed while pushing a pram. This incident occurred recently and has left the local community and the nation in shock. Akter, a mother, was described by local shopkeepers as a “good, charitable lady.” Authorities confirmed that the baby with her at the time was unharmed.

West Yorkshire Police have launched a nationwide manhunt for 25-year-old Habibur Masum in connection with Akter’s murder. Masum, described as Asian with a slim build, is believed to have links to the Burnley and Chester areas. Despite a knife being recovered at the scene, it’s currently unclear if Masum is armed. The public has been advised not to approach him and to call 999 if they see him.

In the search for Masum, a 23-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender, although Masum remains at large. Police searches have extended across Oldham, Burnley, and Chester, as capturing Masum is a top priority to ensure justice for the victim and her family. The police and the Independent Office for Police Conduct are involved due to prior contact with both the victim and the suspect.

In Scotland, broadcaster and abuse survivor Nicky Campbell called for the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry to recommend support for victims of historic child abuse. Highlighting the long-lasting impact of abuse, Campbell emphasized the importance of providing assistance and support to survivors, beyond pursuing legal action against perpetrators. Campbell’s advocacy stresses the need for comprehensive support systems to aid in the recovery of abuse survivors, underscoring the enduring consequences such traumas have on individuals.

These separate but profoundly tragic events reflect the ongoing challenges societies face in ensuring the safety and well-being of their members, addressing injustices, and supporting those who have been victimized.