Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is contemplating resignation amid a corruption investigation involving his wife, Begoña Gómez. Allegations suggest that Gómez received favors from businesses involved with government tenders, sparking significant political and public outcry in Spain. The investigation was initiated after a complaint from the labor union Manos Limpias.

Sánchez, who took office in 2018, has paused his public duties to consider his political future, stating his intent to address the public about his decision by April 29. He has expressed his support for his wife and denounced the accusations as politically motivated, blaming right-wing opponents and media.

The scrutiny comes at a critical time for Sánchez’s government, facing upcoming regional elections including a significant Catalan regional election on May 12, and European Parliament elections. The political stability of his Socialist-led coalition, which includes Catalan separatist parties, hangs in the balance as Sánchez decides whether to continue in office or step down amidst the ongoing controversy.