A man has been sentenced to a year in prison following a violent altercation with his pregnant partner, stemming from an incident involving a stash of cocaine discarded from a car window. Mark Beardmore, 34, was convicted after a brutal attack that occurred in Milton, England, during the early hours of October 13.

The incident began after the couple attended a rave where Beardmore reportedly consumed “monkey dust,” a synthetic drug. Prosecutor David Bennett highlighted that Beardmore became jealous while at the rave, particularly when his partner interacted with other men. Security personnel had to intervene to separate Beardmore from a verbal altercation with another man at the venue.

Upon leaving the rave around 12.30am, the situation escalated further when the victim stopped at an Esso petrol station to purchase cigarettes. In what was described in court as a brief fit of rage, Beardmore threw his partner’s phone charger out of the car window and then prevented her from accessing her phone and cigarettes by sitting on them. The altercation intensified when the victim discarded some of Beardmore’s drugs from the vehicle, prompting him to respond angrily.

As the confrontation continued, Beardmore reportedly delivered a series of punches to the woman’s face. Evidence presented to Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court revealed that he had made chilling threats during the attack, telling her, “You can bin bag the baby. I hope you both die.” He further intimidated her by stating he would slit her throat if she reported the incident to the police.

The police were contacted shortly thereafter, arriving on the scene at approximately 6.15am. Upon their arrival, the victim indicated that Beardmore had assaulted her and provided authorities with his accurate details. Despite attempts to arrest him, Beardmore resisted by jumping into the back of the car.

Beardmore, who has prior convictions and had spent five months in custody before this sentencing, pleaded guilty to charges of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, criminal damage, witness intimidation, and obstructing a police officer. Recorder Robert Smith sentenced him to a total of ten months, which accounts for the time already served, along with a 10-year restraining order prohibiting any contact with the victim.

In a victim statement presented during the court proceedings, the woman expressed her profound distress, stating, “I feel a shadow of the person I used to be.” The case underscores the severe implications of substance abuse and domestic violence.

Source: Noah Wire Services