Frank Hester, a healthcare entrepreneur, has made headlines by donating an additional £5 million to the Conservative Party, raising his total contributions to £15 million. This development comes amidst controversy surrounding Hester’s alleged racist comments towards Diane Abbott, a noted black politician, made during a company meeting in 2019. Hester purportedly stated that Abbott made him “want to hate all black women,” remarks which have drawn significant criticism and were previously condemned by Downing Street.

Despite the backlash, the Conservative Party has chosen to keep the £10 million donated earlier by Hester and his company, The Phoenix Partnership. The recent £5 million donation, reported by Tortoise Media, has yet to be publicly disclosed, though the Conservatives acknowledged that all declarable donations would be reported in accordance with Electoral Commission regulations.

The situation has prompted vocal criticism from political opponents, with Labour and the Liberal Democrats calling on the Prime Minister to return the donations. The Labour Party chairwoman, Anneliese Dodds, labelled Hester’s comments as both racist and misogynistic. Meanwhile, Diane Abbott remarked on the broader issue of unaddressed racism within UK politics and society. The ongoing controversy surrounding Hester’s donations raises questions about political accountability and the acceptance of funds from controversial sources.