Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has launched a new business venture titled American Riviera Orchard, sparking widespread curiosity and critique. This marks Meghan’s first public venture into social media since 2020, quickly amassing over 300,000 followers. The venture was announced via an Instagram post and a minimalist website offering sign-ups for updates. The brand, which draws comparisons to Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop, is expected to feature a diverse product lineup including cookbooks, stationery, and pet-related items, all reflective of Meghan’s personal interests and lifestyle.

However, the timing of the launch has stirred controversy. Piers Morgan expressed strong criticism, suggesting the launch intentionally coincided with the Diana Legacy Award event and accused Meghan of exploiting her royal title. Further scrutiny arose over concerns that the timing could overshadow important royal family activities and breach the Sussexes’ agreement with the Royal Family about not profiting from their royal status. Meghan’s venture was noted for its launch’s alignment with Kate Middleton’s recovery period from surgery, adding to the debate about the timing and intentions behind the brand’s introduction to the public.

Despite the criticisms, anticipation for the brand remains high, with fans eager for more details about what American Riviera Orchard will ultimately offer. Meghan’s foray into the lifestyle and wellness market is seen as a significant step in her post-royal career, mixing business savvy with philanthropy, as she and Prince Harry presented a Digital Civil Rights award around the same time.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s move away from the SussexRoyal brand towards initiatives like American Riviera Orchard indicates a strategic pivot in their public and professional lives, aiming to blend their philanthropic interests with commercial endeavors.