Holly Valance, a former star of the TV show “Neighbours,” has publicly criticised London Mayor Sadiq Khan following a mugging incident in Chelsea, London, where her mobile phone was stolen. Describing the incident as “low,” Valance called out what she sees as a lack of action from the Mayor’s office in controlling crime in London. Speaking on GB News’s Chopper’s Political Podcast, she lamented the absence of police and the audacious nature of crime in the city. Her comments have sparked renewed discussion about public safety and the effectiveness of the Mayor’s strategies to tackle crime in the capital.

In response to Valance’s experience, a spokesperson for Sadiq Khan expressed sympathy and pointed to the reduction in homicides, gun crime, and robberies as evidence of progress, while acknowledging the ongoing challenge of violent crime and the intent to address its root causes, such as poverty and inequality.

Amid rising concerns about crime, Mayor Khan has highlighted the impact of the cost of living on crime rates in London, suggesting a link between increased living costs and violent crime based on research from the London School of Economics. Khan argues for a national strategy to tackle the root causes of crime and has announced £15.6 million in funding for a new service to support young Londoners vulnerable to criminal exploitation. His comments have been met with criticism from policing minister Chris Philp and scrutiny from mayoral candidates such as Susan Hall and Rob Blackie, each presenting their views on how to address London’s crime issues ahead of mayoral elections.

The conversation around crime in London remains a hot topic, with differing opinions on the best strategies to enhance public safety and reduce crime rates, involving discussions around policing, societal inequalities, and the economic factors contributing to criminal behaviour.