In Birkenhead, Merseyside, a significant police operation is underway following a standoff between armed police and a man brandishing a crowbar. The incident that triggered the siege involved the man threatening staff at a local bar with the weapon. Following this altercation, he reportedly caused damage to his own vehicle using the crowbar before barricading himself within a premises.

The situation has led authorities to implement a lockdown of the surrounding streets as a precautionary measure, advising residents to remain indoors. A police negotiator, armed response units, and a police dog have been deployed to the scene in an effort to manage the incident and secure a peaceful resolution.

As of now, there have been no reports of injuries related to the confrontation. Throughout the ordeal, locals have reported hearing loud disturbances reminiscent of bangs, contributing to the tension in the area.

Merseyside Police have been actively communicating updates on the situation, and further information is being made available through local news sources such as the Liverpool Echo’s website and their social media platforms. The police emphasize their commitment to resolving the incident safely and urge the public to stay clear of the area to facilitate the ongoing operation.