Police in Hampshire have initiated an investigation following the unsettling discovery of approximately 50 deceased animals left outside Broughton Community Shop. This grim find, comprising hares, a barn owl, and a kestrel, was made in the village situated in Hampshire. This incident forms part of a worrying pattern in the area, previously marked by the dumping of around 30 rabbits near a primary school.

Local residents speculate that poachers, potentially broadcasting their illegal hunts on social media platforms like Facebook, might be responsible for these actions, which they perceive as mocking the community. The sequence of events has deeply shocked the local population, with the villagers, including Mike Hensman, the treasurer of the village shop, describing the scene as distressing due to the bloodstained doors and the sight of the dead animals.

In a new development, police have reported finding a burnt-out car that could be linked to the investigation. Hampshire Police, addressing the severity of the situation, have made a public appeal for information. They are requesting the submission of any relevant CCTV or dashcam footage capturing suspicious vehicles around the time of the latest incident to aid in their inquiries.