Lukas McClish, a 34-year-old Californian man, embarked on a three-hour hike on June 11, 2024, but got lost for 10 days in the Santa Cruz Mountains. McClish left his hometown of Boulder Creek intending to visit granite outcroppings but lost his way due to changes in the landscape caused by the 2020 CZU Lightning Complex fire.

Rescue efforts began on June 16, after McClish failed to attend a Father’s Day dinner, prompting his family to file a missing persons report. Throughout his ordeal, McClish survived by drinking creek water and eating wild berries. He also encountered a mountain lion but kept hiking in search of help.

On June 20, rescue teams from the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office, Cal Fire, and other local agencies found him after he was heard yelling for help. Drones and a sniffer dog were instrumental in locating him. Despite losing 30 pounds, McClish emerged with no major injuries and was reunited with his family.