A curious phenomenon has emerged in the countryside lanes near Lerryn and Lostwithiel, Cornwall, as local farmer Michael Irwin, 65, documents the odd occurrence of seven bras mysteriously appearing on gates along rural roads. This unusual series began two weeks ago when Irwin first spotted a bright red bra tied to a gate, prompting him to investigate further.

Irwin, who regularly travels these roads, initially dismissed the sighting as a potential item lost from a vehicle. However, the situation escalated when he noticed additional bras appearing in the vicinity. “When I saw the first one, I thought it was strange but didn’t think more about it. But when the second and third appeared, I thought, ‘something’s happening here!’” he remarked.

In the following weeks, Irwin continued to find bras affixed to various locations, including a fence just 100 yards from the original site. The tally has now reached seven, with one gate displaying three bras at once. Observing the state of the items, Irwin noted that they were securely tied and appeared normal in size, thus adding a layer of intrigue to the mystery rather than presenting them as mere litter.

Despite the growing number of bras, Irwin expressed his belief that the event might start as a humorous prank. “We’ve all been waiting for somebody to announce it’s a bit of a joke. They’re all properly attached to the gates too. I really expected something to pop up on a local Facebook group explaining it was a joke for someone’s birthday or something. But nobody has come forward,” he said, signalling a communal curiosity in the area.

Local residents have shared Irwin’s bewilderment and humourously commented on the situation. Daz Smith quipped, “Don’t open the gates, it’s a booby trap.” Other villagers, including Shirley Bishop and John Trinick, added playful remarks about the bras, with Bishop suggesting “more support needed for this investigation” and Trinick saying, “It’s something or udder.”

As of now, the appearance of new bras has ceased, leaving Irwin and the community in suspense regarding the origin of these items. “I think it’s very funny – it makes me chuckle as I go by,” Irwin concluded, highlighting how this light-hearted mystery has fostered conversation among locals while leaving the source of the bras undisclosed.

Source: Noah Wire Services