Rishi Sunak, currently serving as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, is experiencing a critical phase in his leadership, marked by significant internal challenges within the Conservative Party and public backlash over controversial comments made by Tory donor Frank Hester. Amidst a backdrop of ministerial resignations, potential leadership challenges, and poor polling results, Sunak’s leadership appears to be under intense scrutiny.

The Conservative Party is witnessing a notable number of its MPs, totaling 65, opting not to stand in the next election, leading to concerns over Sunak’s ability to maintain control and unity within the party. This situation has led to the Labour Party characterizing the current parliament as unproductive, further accentuating the sense of a leadership crisis.

Adding to Sunak’s challenges, Tory donor Frank Hester faced widespread condemnation following his racist and misogynistic comments about black MP Diane Abbott. The comments were publicly denounced by figures across the political spectrum, including Sunak, who labeled them as racist and inappropriate. This incident has sparked a broader conversation on racism within British society and the political sphere.

Furthermore, recent defections and ministerial departures, such as that of senior Tory minister James Heappey and former deputy chair Lee Anderson, have compounded the sense of instability within the Conservative Party. Polling by JL Partners has indicated a decline in Sunak’s popularity among voters, with negative descriptors such as “weak” and “useless” being attributed to him.

The accumulation of these challenges poses significant questions about Sunak’s future as Prime Minister and the overall direction of the Conservative Party. With local elections on May 2 viewed as a critical assessment of Sunak’s leadership and speculation about a possible general election on Thursday 10 October, the coming months are likely to be pivotal for Sunak and the Conservative Party’s fortunes.