Trent Bridge will host a new animated drone light show depicting Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” on December 7, presented by Celestial and Yuup. Hundreds of drones will narrate the journey of Ebenezer Scrooge with advanced technology. Gates open at 15:30, and the light show starts at 17:30. This event follows the successful “Evolution” show in April. Celestial’s founder, John Hopkins, and Yuup’s CEO, Dominic Mills, both expressed excitement for the festive spectacle.

Additionally, Edgbaston Stadium in Birmingham will host the “Evolution” drone show on October 26. The event features 620 drones narrating a story from the Big Bang to modern times. Gates open at 17:30, and the show starts at 19:30. This sustainable alternative to fireworks showcases a dazzling display without noise pollution. Early bird tickets are available until July 19.

Both shows highlight innovative indoor experiences brought by Celestial and Yuup, aiming to create an unforgettable visual narrative for audiences.