A Pentagon study has concluded there’s no evidence to support the existence of alien life or extraterrestrial intelligence, following an analysis of UFO sightings since 1945. The Defense Department’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) conducted the review, asserting that most sightings could be explained as ordinary objects or misidentifications. This conclusion is consistent with prior US government findings, which have also not found proof of extraterrestrial presence.

Despite widespread fascination with the topic, fueled by media and popular culture, the investigation into 144 sightings in a 2021 government report likewise found no evidence of alien visitations. In response, there have been calls for better data collection to further investigate UFO reports.

Addressing conspiracy theories, the Pentagon’s report refuted claims regarding the US government’s possession of alien technology or beings. The AARO found no evidence of off-world spacecraft or reverse-engineered technology being hidden from the public. Attempts to verify claims of secret UFO programs or extraterrestrial material have proven baseless, with investigations showing assertions about technology and materials to be inaccurate. For instance, a claimed extraterrestrial spacecraft sample was identified as a terrestrial alloy.

In a move towards improving national security, AARO’s acting director, Timothy Phillips, announced the development of a UFO sensor and detection system named Gremlin. This initiative is part of efforts to demystify Unexplained Anomalous Phenomenon (UAP) sightings and address public misconceptions about the government’s involvement with alien technology.